
DCI File Complain About Abuse and Maltreatment of Detained Children

12:00 Feb 20 2012 Al Jalame Detention Center (aka Kishon Prison)


Defense for Children International (DCI) in Palestine submitted a complaint to the legal supervisor of the Israeli government and the Israeli prisons' administration on behalf of a 16 year old child, Rashid C, from Hares village. DCI demanded an immediate investigation into the physical and psychological abuse and maltreatment of Rashid by the Israeli intelligence services during his arrest and interrogation at Al-Jalama Interrogation and Detention Center in November 2011.

Rashid was arrested by Israeli soldiers on 4th November 2011, and immediately he was handcuffed and forced to sit down on an iron floor of a military vehicle for a long period of time.

Five hours after his arrest, Rashid was transferred to the Interrogation and Detention Center in al-Jalama. The soldiers searched him, though he was completely naked, and he was then interrogated by Israeli intelligence officials. During the interrogation, Rashid was cuffed to a small iron chair and was threatened with torture if he didn't cooperate with them.

Rashid told DCI that the soldiers cursed, yelled and spat at him while he was on the chair during the interrogation. He was also banned from using the bathroom despite his continuous requests.

Rashid also said that he was detained at the al-Jalama center in solitary confinement in a small dirty cell, with no lighting, for 13 days.

Abusing and maltreating children and torturing them is a violation of Israeli legal commitments according to the United Nations (UN) Convention against Torture, international law that is specialized in civil and political rights and the fourth Geneva convention.

Mr. Juan Mendez, UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, in his report to the UN public organization published in October 2011, called for a complete ban on the solitary confinement of children:

"Considering the severe mental pain or suffering solitary confinement may cause, it can amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment when used as a punishment, during pre-trial detention, indefinitely or for a prolonged period, for persons with mental disabilities or juveniles," he warned.

DCI started to investigate the Israel's treatment of Rashid, especially the conditions of his detention and the nature of his interrogation. The DCI also called for a lawyer that Rashid could choose to accompany him during his interrogation.
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