
Soldiers Abduct Eight Palestinians In Jerusalem

06:00 May 25 2021 East Jerusalem, al-Tour (Tur) and Az Za'ayyem (Zaim)

Soldiers Abduct Eight Palestinians In Jerusalem
Scene. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
May 25, 2021

Israeli soldiers abducted, on Tuesday morning, eight Palestinians from their homes in several parts of the occupied Palestinian capital, Jerusalem.

The soldiers invaded and searched many homes in East Jerusalem, and abducted four Palestinians, identified as Hani Emad Dweiyat, Issa Abu Ta’a, Khaled Abu Mayyala, and Mahdi Abu Assab.

The soldiers also invaded Qaa’ al-Hara area in the at-Tour town, searched homes, and abducted Mohammad Abu al-Hawa, 18.

In Biddu town and Beit Biddu village, northwest of Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Yazan Issa Mansour, and Mohammad Mustafa Daoud, from their homes.

In Zaim town, east of Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Mohammad Jaradat, from his home, while undercover officers kidnapped Ezzeddin Qabaja for posting a video of their invasion on social media.

The soldiers also invaded and ransacked many homes in the town, and interrogated the Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards, in addition to searching lands.

Hani Emad Dweiyat, Issa Abu Ta’a, Khaled Abu Mayyala, and Mahdi Abu Assab detained 5/25/2021
Mohammad Abu al-Hawa, 18, detianed 5/25/2021
Yazan Issa Mansour, and Mohammad Mustafa Daoud detianed 5/25/2021
Mohammad Jaradat and Ezzeddin Qabaja detained 5/25/2021
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