
Army Detains Palestinian Journalists Near Hebron

12:00 Feb 10 2021 Susiya

Army Detains Palestinian Journalists Near Hebron
Scene. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News
Feb 10, 2021

Israeli soldiers detained, Wednesday, Palestinian journalists at the entrance of Susiya village, east of Yatta town, south of Hebron, in southern West Bank.

Hamza Hattab, a correspondent with the Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA) said the soldiers detained him and several other journalists and cameramen while documenting the Israeli invasion into the village.

Hattab added that he, and the other journalists, were also documenting the illegal Israeli confiscation of tents, used by local shepherds and farmers when the soldiers detained them.

The soldiers searched the journalists, their cars and equipment, and inspected their ID cards, in addition to preventing them from properly documenting the invasion.

Also on Wednesday, the soldiers invaded Marj Na’ja village, north of Jericho Palestinian city, in northeastern West Bank, and demolished a privately owned irrigation pool.
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