
Israeli Troops Invade Jerusalem, Detain 3 Palestinians

00:26 Aug 29 2020 Jerusalem's Old City and al-Issawiya (Isawiya)

Israeli Troops Invade Jerusalem, Detain 3 Palestinians
Scene. File? Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC New
Aug 30,2020

Israeli forces invaded the East Jerusalem neighborhoods of al-Isawiya and al-Wad on Saturday before dawn, breaking into the homes of three Palestinians and abducting them.

The three abducted men have been identified as Mutasem Hamza Ebeid, Khaled al-Sukhn and Abdullah al-Julani. They were taken by the soldiers to an unknown destination.

In al-Isawiya, Mutasem Hamza Ebeid was taken from his home, where he was asleep in bed. He had been under house arrest for the past week. Despite adhering to the Israeli order of house arrest, the troops decided to snatch and grab him in a pre-dawn invasion of his home.

In the al-Wad neighborhood in the Old City, two young men identified as Khaled al-Sukhn and Abdullah al-Julani were also snatched from their homes while sleeping in the pre-dawn hours.

Israeli troops frequently invade Palestinian areas in the early morning hours and grab Palestinian teens and young adults that they suspect of stone-throwing or other resistance to the Israeli military occupation of their land, and take them to Israeli military camps to brutalize and interrogate them.

Many of these youth are then thrown in Israeli prisons, where they are held without charges for sometimes years on end, in violation of international law that forbids holding people without charges.

The pre-dawn invasions occur on a daily basis in the West Bank, as Israeli troops hold the Palestinian population there under martial law, controlling every aspect of their lives.

Khaled al-Sukhn and Abdullah al-Julani detained 8/29/2020
Mutasem Hamza Ebeid detained 8/29/2020
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