
Settlers Drown Palestinians' Land with Wastewater in Bethlehem

20:39 May 29 2011 Nahhalin, southwest of Bethlehem

BETHLEHEM, May 29, 2011 (WAFA) –Jewish settlers from Beitar Illit settlement Sunday drowned Palestinian lands with wastewater in Nahhalin, a village southwest of Bethlehem.

Head of Nahhalin village’s council, Osama Shakarna, told WAFA that those in charge of the water purification stations in Beitar Illit settlment, west of Beitlaham, pumped waste water to the Almond and grapes lands, west of Nahhalin.

Shakarna pointed out that such practices polluted the underground water and caused serious damage to the crops; Palestinians can't enter their lands anymore due to the high levels of wastewater in it.

He warned of the dangerous effects of such practices on Palestinians' health, saying "Summer is knocking the doors, and there is a great fear of spreading diseases and mosquitoes."

Moreover, Israeli authorities handed over a number of notices to Palestinians living in Ain Fares area, southwest of Nahhalin village, to seize their lands.
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