
Settlers Attack Palestinian Farmers near Ramallah, Fatah Member among Injured

12:00 May 22 2020 Deir_Nidham (Deir Nizam)

Scene. Published by IMEMC News

by IMEMC News

The Secretary of the Fatah movement, Qusi Diab Thiyab al-Tamimi, along with the young Ziyad al-Tamimi, were attacked, on Friday, northwest of Ramallah, the Palestinian WAFA News Agency reported.

Al-Tamimi was reportedly injured while fighting off a group of illegal settlers who were attacking Palestinian farmers, near the village of Deir Nizam, northwest of the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

WAFA correspondent said that settlers from the illegal “Halamish” colony, attacked local Palestinian farmers, while they were cultivating their land in the “Wadi Raya” area.

The confrontations led to the injury of the Secretary of the Fatah movement and another young man, whom was wounded in the head, in addition to a number of other citizens who were mildly injured in the attack.

Also on Friday, illegal colonists set fire to Palestinian agricultural lands, south of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank.

The video below shows Israeli soldiers providing cover for the illegal colonists attacking Palestinian civilians.
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