
Israeli Forces Arrest Palestinian Youth at Checkpoint in Hebron

08:00 Dec 8 2019 Hebron (near Ibrahimi Mosque)

Israeli Forces Arrest Palestinian Youth at Checkpoint in Hebron
Illustrative Photo. Suzan-al-Salaima, March 24, 2019. Credit: Days of Palestine. Published by IMEMC News on March 24, 2019 and Dec 9, 2019

Source: Palestine News Network (PNN)
Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam

According to the Palestine News Network (PNN), Israeli occupation forces arrested a 14 year old female student, on Sunday morning, as she attempting to cross the Abu al-Reesh checkpoint, near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the center of Hebron.

Israeli media quoted a statement from the occupation army that its soldiers arrested the student, under the pretext that she was allegedly bearing a knife.

According to Prisoner Support and Human Rights Organization, Addameer, there are 185 Child prisoners being held in Israeli jails, 24 of them under the age of 16 years.
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